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Hamish Chapman explores Queer identity through traditional oil painting, interrogating ideas of Queer futurity, identity, gender, relationships, transgressions and belonging.

Chapman’s paintings view the human face and body as a self contained landscape. Closely cropped compositions focus on skin, hair, facial hair and/or accessories; stylistically Chapman oscillates between hyper-real and surreal renderings.

References to the game of tennis are woven throughout Chapman’s practice. Tennis balls come together- resembling a face; the court- a backdrop figures exist within. The game becomes an allegory for society, and the rules and strategic behavioural patterns that govern it. Thisrecurring in combination with Chapman’s depictions of eye’s- further questions the semantics of visibility.

Hamish Chapman lives and works in London. They have upcoming exhibitions with Tube Culture Hall, Milan and YK Presents, Seoul. Recent projects include Friends & Family, Anton Kern Gallery (WINDOW), New York (2023); Overhead, Quench, Margate (solo, 2022); Absence Makes the Heart, general information, London (2022); Courtship, Meadow Mill, Dundee (solo, 2022); Meltdown, Ridley Road Project Space, London (2022); Paris Internationale (2021); A Queer Anthology of Wilderness, published by Pilot Press and its accompanying exhibition A Horizon is not Straight, Tenderbooks, London (2020); queer times school prints, Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow (2018).

Hamish Chapman, St George’s Cross, 2023
Oil on canvas,
140 x 160cm
